Nowadays, websites are thoroughly used by all companies and JavaScript is leading on top to improving HTML-oriented pages.

While JavaScript is widespread, it’s overt that TypeScript is also gaining popularity. TypeScript is a modified version of JavaScript with some added traits.

These programming languages are exercised, however, TypeScript is speedily becoming the most preferable. As developers and web development companies are turning their heads toward TypeScript, so it’s significant to know their difference.

Let’s understand what TypeScript VS JavaScript has to offer.

What is Typescript?

Developed by Microsoft, TypeScript is an open-source, object-oriented programming language. Certainly, it is an intense syntactical superset of JavaScript and improving an elective static typing to the language. TypeScript mainly plans for building bug applications and then trans-compiles it to JavaScript.

The current JavaScript programs are also acceptable TypeScript programs. However, to make JavaScript applications for client and server-side execution, you can use TypeScript. There are many choices available for trans-compilation. Further, you can use the default TypeScipt checker or treat Babel compiler to change TypeScript to JavaScript.

TypeScript uses those files that have type data of current JavaScript libraries. It is like C++ header files defining the building of present object files. So, this makes other programs perform on those values present in files as if they were statically typed TypeScript entities.

TypeScript is an open source language used for larger projects.

Besides, there are third-party header files for widespread libraries like MongoDB, D3.js, and jQuery. However, you can access TypeScript headers for Node.js elementary modules. Moreover, Node.js development programs have a permit within JavaScript.

TypeScript compiler is written in TypeScript only and assembled in JavaScript. However, it is the first-class language in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 and registered under Apache License 2.0. In addition, there was an official extension sanctioned by Visual Studio 2012 to maintain TypeScript. Ander Hejlsberg is the leading architect of C# and inventor of Turbo Pascal and Delphi. Moreover, he has operated on the making of TypeScript.

Why use Typescript?

You will find many reasons that define what is the use of TypeScript. Following are the reasons:

  • Static Typing – JavaScript is a strongly written general-purpose programming language. It does not identify what type of a variable is until it is necessarily instantiated at runtime. Moreover, TypeScript is an added trait and provides type support to JavaScript.
  • Adding Features of ECMAScript – TypeScript helps novel ECMAScript standard trans-piling them to ECMAScript goals of your choice. Furthermore, you can also utilize some features of ES2015. Also more like modules, spread operator, classes, lambda, de-structuring, etc.
  • Improved IDE support – TypeScript has a development practice that is an improvement over JavaScript. With several ranges of IDEs, you get good support for Typescripts like Visual-Studio, Atom, Sublime, IntelliJ, or VS Code.
We use TypeScript for strict null examination, type inference, improved IDE support, etc.
  • Type Inference – It seems easy to type in TypeScript and less clear by the type inference practice. So, if you decide to not type the types, you will find them putting you out from doing things resulting in a runtime error.
  • Interoperability – TypeScript connects JavaScript and has great interoperability proficiencies. However, it demands some more work to operate with JavaScript libraries in TypeScript.
  • Strict Null Examination – There are errors like cannot read property ‘x’ of undefined, which is basic in JavaScript software programming. You can delete these errors as one cannot use a variable not known to the TypeScript compiler.
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What is Javascript?

Developed by Netscape in 1995, JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. One can also use it as a server-side language by using Node.js. We call it a scripting language because it does not require compilation before execution.

During runtime, every command or line is interpreted and programs written in JavaScript are Scripts. Browsers support these scripts and execute and interpret them directly. You can make dynamic web pages in JavaScript.

JavaScript is a programming language and is in high demand.

Let’s say one can do animated graphics, display the latest news update, change content without reloading issues, etc. However, the above features are accessible under JavaScript usage. Also, you can embed these scripts simultaneously within HTML pages that browsers can interpret.

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm programming language, thereby it backs imperative, functional, and event-driven styles. In one of our previous blogs on the JS frameworks, Vuejs vs Reactjs, it is clear that Vue uses HTML templates, however there is a choice to transcribe in JSX. Moreover, React merely employs JSX.

Why use JavaScript?

Nowadays, JavaScript is in high demand as earlier it was usable for web apps and browsers. It came into more deep usage beyond the web in software, hardware controls, and servers. So, following are the basic aspects defining what is the use of JavaScript:

  • Interactive and Fun Language – It has a comprehensive user interface that you can apply. JavaScript has a graphical UI that is easy and interactive to deploy. The user can easily write codes that will operate in the browser. This way it will build fun projects swiftly in the learning process.
  • Low Threshold to Begin With – Browsers use this programming language and it’s easy, to begin with, and comprehend. So, there is no need for other programs to install before you start.
We use JavaScript for rich interfaces, higher debugging tools, and its a strong learning support.
  • Higher Debugging Tools – There is a JavaScript interpreter build in the web browser. Besides, it allows you to search and get good feedback helping you to learn faster.
  • Basis for Learning Programming Styles – JavaScript backs the event-driven software design style, where there is an organized movement of your code by user or system events. This kind of programming is fully indespensable for building uder interfaces. Moreover, it is much cooperative paradigm for scheming the scalable server-side systems.
  • Robust Learning Support – Every browser has a source code with features allowing one to learn from other’s live coding. You can also get a dynamic repository of library code in the ecosphere of JavaScript. There are supportive people in the JavaScript community and active in sharing codes.
  • Rich interfaces – JavaScript is brilliant to get things like drag-and-drop components or sliders. Also, it helps to give a good interface to your website visitors.
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What is the difference between typescript and javascript?

We notice while comparing the two that TypeScript is an open-source language and an extended version of JavaScript. It’s a superset of JavaScript, which is a lightweight interpreter software design language.

Also, it does not involve any multithreading or multiprocessing capabilities. Below, you will learn the significant differences between these two languages.

Difference between two programming languages. TypeScript vs JavaScript
TypeIt is a superset of JavaScript made to overcome difficulty in code for big projects.It is a scripting language that helps in making strong web page content.
EcosystemThe Ecosystem is strong and instinctive. Therefore, it allows you to statically type different types of idiomatic JavaScript traits such as union types, intersection, and discriminated union.Javascript gives the choice to find out and form code without a build phase.
Data BindingTypeScript make use of concepts such as interfaces and kinds to define the data being utilized.No such idea is shown in JavaScript.
Learning CurveIt has a hard learning curve and also requires scripting knowledge.It is simple to learn and a supple scripting language.
Npm PackageWith Typescript, countless npm packages either have definitions of static type or have an exterior one which is easy to install.Javascript offers the alternative to find and form code without any build step.
PrototypingTypescript has a feature of prototyping.JavaScript does not have this feature.
AnnotationTo avail the most out of TypeScript features, developers must continuously annotate the code.There is no annotations required for JavaScript.
CompilationTypeScript needs to be compiled.There is no specific need to compile code in JavaScript.
Client-Side or Server-SideIt is mainly used on the client-side.It can be used in both server-side and client-side.
File Extension.tsx and .ts.js
Company Using The TechnologyAsana, Clever, and Screen awardAirbnb, Codecademy, and Instagram
CommunityIt does not have a big community of software developers.It has a huge community of many software developers.

Code Comparison TypeScript vs JavaScript

Following is a small code snippet that shows how code looks in JavaScript and how to write the same code in TypeScript.

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class App {
     console.log("Hello world")
let fun = new App();


 var App = /
** @class */ (function () {
    function App() {
   App.prototype.demoFunction = 
function () {
         console.log(Hello world"
      return App;
var fun = new App();

Wrapping Up


In this tutorial, we have explained features as well as the differences between TypeScript vs JavaScript. We have mentioned a small code example regarding these languages. Now, we can say, it both have benefits and flaws. JavaScript may not seem like a comprehensive coding language, yet one can apply it with HTML to improve the web page quality. Further, it arrives in the environment of a developer’s browser.

TypeScript assembles into JS code, which we can use wherever JS is appropriate. In addition, TypeScript provides extra features, and it is usable by a wider audience. Also, there are new improvements visible and turning it safer for a better future.

In case you baffle on what to apply, JavaScript or TypeScript, contact our InApps team of developers. We help you to develop a strong web application. We hope that you would find this tutorial helpful and it would have been useful to you in understanding the difference between TypeScript vs JavaScript.


1. Is typescript better than javascript?

We know that TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and has JavaScript features with some added traits. To know if TypeScript is better depends on which project will it be usable. TypeScript is preferable for big and complex programs, however, JavaScript works well with small projects.

2. Do you think TypeScript is type-safe?

TypeScript supports static typing and looks for the correctness of a variable type while compiling. So, yes it is type-safe.

3. How can we convert TypeScript to JavaScript?

The browser cannot easily understand the TypeScript code. Before execution, it is mandatory to compile it into JavaScript. Moreover, we can transpile the TypeScript code to JavaScript code using the TypeScript compiler or Babel.

4. Will TypeScript replace JavaScript?

It cannot fully replace JavaScript as there are many differences in its features. Although, TypeScript has almost similar features to JavaScript. But, we use TypeScript for large projects and JavaScript for less complex projects.

5. How similar is typescript to javascript?

In a nutshell, TypeScript is a statically compiled programming language for writing clear and concise JavaScript code. It’s fulfilling the same purpose as JavaScript and can be used for both client-side and server-side applications. In addition, the libraries of JavaScript are also compatible with TypeScript.

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